Stress Eat for What


Stress is a beast that is relentless. If you’re anything like me, stress eating is REAL and coupled with physical inactivity will result in real weight gain, real quick!

Here are some tips to encourage you make healthy choices and navigate the holiday stress:

  1. Enjoy your sweet indulgences responsibly. One single-serving portion of grandma's famous peach cobbler and ice cream...not half the pan! Half the pan and a pint of ice cream is several servings and several servings leads to several pounds. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the sweets, but let's keep it down to one single-serving portion a day. 
  2. Prepare your mind and stay in control. Temptation is REAL during the holiday season. Eat when you're hungry not just because food is around. If every year your family tradition is to have a large brunch followed by a large early evening dinner, make a game plan for your day. Perhaps go light on the cinnamon roll French toast in the morning so you can enjoy desert later in the day. Eat mindfully and stay in control! 
  3. Get up and BE Active. Physical activity helps not only helps you burn off the extra calories from eating large holiday meals, but it also helps improve your mood. It can be hard to do your normal exercise routine, but don't feel guilty and stress about it. Instead try to intentionally get in a few 10-15 minute sessions of activity throughout your day. Before you know it, you'll achieve 30-45 minutes!
  4. Be REAListic. Don't pressure yourself to see everyone in an 3-4 day window of time and don't feel like you have to go to every event. It's ok to say NO! If every year your aunt likes to do a cookie decorating party with your little cousins and her cookies are your weakness, maybe this year you forgo Cookiefest lol. However if you chose to participate, be sure to eat before you go and give yourself a 1-2 cookie limit!
  5. Create new ACTIVE traditions. If your usual family routine is a holiday movie marathon after dinner, change it up this year. Enjoy the movies, but fit in some time for physical activity breaks. Between each movie do a 10 minute dance break or some strength training exercises. Whatever you choose, have fun being physically active as a family!


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